St. James-Santee Elementary Middle School Learn Maritime Careers

St. James-Santee Elementary Middle School Learn Maritime Careers

St. James-Santee Elementary Middle School (SJSEM) Scholars had the opportunity to participate in a pilot program exposing students to maritime careers. During National Career Awareness month, Mr. Thomas H. Hodgson, CDR, USN(ret.), Maritime Industries collaborated with Mr. Dave Whanger of Charleston Harbor Tours to execute this program. Mr. Whanger sponsored 15 students to ride on the Carolina Belle on November 15, 2023. Middle school students toured the Charleston peninsula and learned about various maritime positions (e.g., maritime lawyers, engineers, cooks, U.S. Navy Search & Rescue careers, restoration ecologist, maritime brokers, able bodied seaman and so much more). Students learned many captains begin in apprenticeship positions and work their way up. Licensure is key in maritime careers, as well as college degrees. This exposure helped scholars understand how math, and science is used a lot this industry. This was an exciting and life empowering experience for everyone. A special thanks to Mr. Whanger of Charleston Harbor Tours and Mr. Hodgson.