
What is an internship? 

Internships are “hands on – outside the classroom” learning experiences where you can explore and gain experience in a career field of interest.

  • professional work experience
  • gain skills and knowledge in a field you are interested in pursuing
  • helps to guide your career goals
  • build your resume
  • expand your network

Planning for your internship should begin the semester prior to the expected start date. You should speak with your counselor and Career Specialist if you are interested in an internship. They can assist you with making the connections and determine if you are going to complete your internship for career exploration, career readiness or for course credit.

Work-based Learning Internship for Career Readiness & Course Credit

Did you know you can receive your career readiness qualifier or course credit for your internship?

Career Readiness- 40+ hours and you will be qualified as Career Ready at graduation

Internship for Course Credit– 120 hours minimum and you will be Career Ready and receive academic credit for graduation



  • If needed, complete CCSD Student Internship Connection Request Form & meet to discuss options and possible internship sites
  • Alignment: Speak with teacher, career specialist or counselor about internship opportunities aligned with academic/career goals 
  • Getting Hired: Work with Career Specialist or Teacher of Record for assistance with applying and interviewing
  • Review the Student Internship Packet with Teacher of Record or career specialist.-
    • make a copy of packet to edit for your individualized need
  • Turn in Training Agreement & Transportation/Emergency Information forms to Teacher of Record.


  • Submit Weekly Journals / other written assignments and Time Sheets/proof of hours worked to Teacher of Record


  • Submit Mid-point & Final Supervisor Evaluation Forms & total hours verification to Teacher of Record



  • Submit Supervisor Evaluation forms from training agreement packet to your Teacher of Record/Career Specialist