CCSMS and Laing MS Capture Championships at 9th Annual Charleston SeaPerch Underwater Robotics Challenge

CCSMS and Laing MS Capture Championships at 9th Annual Charleston SeaPerch Underwater Robotics Challenge

DSC_0897Teams from Charleston Charter School for Math and Science (CCSMS) and Laing Middle School beat out their peers in the 9th annual Charleston SeaPerch Regional Challenge to claim overall victories.

The Charleston Charter School for Math & Science Team H2Oh! and the Laing MS Red Rockets are going to the International SeaPerch Challenge at the University of Maryland in College Park, MD June 1-2, 2019!!

18 teams from 9 schools throughout Charleston County School District (CCSD) and the Trident region competed at the Danny Jones Pool in North Charleston using their underwater remotely operated vehicles (ROV) in two different events: a challenge course and an obstacle course. Teams also received scores on their Engineering Notebook presentations.

IMG_3164Teams from the following local school competed:

  • Academic Magnet HS
  • Charleston Charter School for Math & Science
  • North Charleston HS
  • Summerville HS
  • Buist Academy
  • C. E. Williams MS
  • Jane Edwards ES
  • Pinewood Preparatory School
  • Laing Middle School

The following teams finished first in the three separate competitions:

  • Obstacle Course
    • HS – CCSMS Shark Bait
    • MS – Laing MS Orange Dragon
  • Engineering Notebook 
    • HS – CCSMS H2Oh!
    • MS – Buist Academy Your Worst Anemone
  • Mission: Rescue & Recovery
    • HS – CCSMS H2Oh!
    • MS – Laing MS Orange Dragon

Event Overall winners: 

  • HS – CCSMS H2Oh!
  • MS – Laing MS Orange Dragon

SeaPerch is an innovative underwater robotics program that equips teachers and students with the resources they need to build a ROV in an in-school or out-of-school setting. Students build the ROV from a kit comprised of low-cost, easily accessible parts, following a curriculum that teaches basic engineering and science concepts with a marine engineering theme. The SeaPerch Program provides students with the opportunity to learn about robotics, engineering, science, and mathematics while building an underwater ROV as part of a science and engineering technology curriculum. Throughout the project, students will learn engineering concepts, problem-solving, teamwork, and technical applications.

As part of the Charleston Navy Week celebration (March 11-15, 2019), Navy personnel participated in the Charleston SeaPerch Challenge as divers, judges, and team escorts.

CCSD would also to thank the many volunteers who gave their time to this competition, and to the City of North Charleston, North Charleston Police Department, CVS Pharmacy, Charleston SCUBA, and NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) for their sponsorship and support of the Charleston SeaPerch Regional Challenge.

A special thanks to NWIC (SPAWAR) for their continued partnership in hosting the Charleston SeaPerch Challenge!

To learn more about SeaPerch, visit

Story written by Sully Recine, Public Relations Officer, Charleston County School District and also published here: