Two Early College HS Students Selected for Bank of America Student Leaders Program

Two Early College HS Students Selected for Bank of America Student Leaders Program

This summer two Early College High School students were chosen as to serve as Bank of America Student Leaders. This program enabled them to have local paid internships as well as attend an all expenses paid national conference in Washington D.C.

Sy’Mone Miles interned with the International African American Museum and Kendra Hollington was an intern for Charleston Promise Neighborhood. It was shared with us that they were both “truly amazing summer interns. Their host organizations cannot say enough great things about them, and they’ve been strong assets to these organizations.”

This week both scholars returned from their D.C. Summit trip and both had a transformative experience with other student leaders nationwide.

Future Plans for Sy’Mone & Kendra:

Sy’Mone- University of South Carolina; Major in English and Minor in Film, plans a career in film directing and screen writing – make cultural films to engage and teach youth

Kendra: Winthrop University; Major in Education, plans to be a teacher

A big thank you to the Bank of American Student Leaders Program, the International African American Museum, and Charleston Promise Neighborhood for offering a life changing opportunity for our CCSD students. Thank you for your partnerships!

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