Early College High School Career Day

Early College High School Career Day

On March 2nd Early College High School hosted their 1st Career Day. They hosted 9 guest speakers, participated in 2 career exploration field trips, had students participating in job shadows, college campus visits and mock interviews.

9th and 10th grade students learned about a variety of career opportunities from guest speakers while 11th and 12th graders had the chance to choose from: mock interviews, field trips to TTC Career Day or Discover MUSC Day, participate in a job shadow or an independent college visits.

ECHS is very thankful for the following business partners and supporters for spending their day sharing career opportunities for their students:

  • Jessica Wyma- Surgical Specialty Clinic Nurse Manager, Veteran Affairs
  • DJ Natty Heavy- DJ
  • Sgt. Richardson- Army Recruiter
  • Shane Clancy- Senior Manager, Cyber Security, Santee Cooper
  • Olivia Bueno- SCDNR Marine Resource, Coastal Reserve & Outreach
  • Jordan Costello- SCDNR Outreach Biologist
  • Chloe Heligenstein- Analyst- Inlight Real Estate Partners
  • Lauren Duffy- Logistics Consultant- 3P USA
  • Travon Santerree- Senior Development Web Manager- WaveXR
  • Discover MUSC Day
  • TTC Career Day
  • Colleges the students visited independently
  • Business partners who hosted job shadow students
  • All ECHS Staff for stepping up to assist throughout the day