Military Magnet Academy Students Gain Valuable Experience at FIRST Tech Challenge Robotics State Championship

Military Magnet Academy Students Gain Valuable Experience at FIRST Tech Challenge Robotics State Championship

002Congratulations to the RoboEagles FIRST Robotics Team #7021 on their participation in the FTC State Championship that was held at Gaffney High School, February 2-3, 2018. The RoboEagles placed 17 out of 22 in the state-wide event.

076The mission of FIRST is to inspire young people to be science and technology leaders and innovators, by engaging them in exciting Mentor-based programs that build science, engineering, and technology skills, that inspire innovation, and that foster well-rounded life capabilities including self-confidence, communication and leadership.

035The FIRST mission, along with Military Magnet Academy’s mission of achieving academic excellence, to develop citizenship and to promote self-discipline in a military environment, go hand-in-hand.

RoboEagles FTC Team #7021 Coach Ms. Carla Ferrette-Clark said, ” I’d like to give a special thank you to TSgt White, and Mrs. Sally-Ann Archice who helped make this amazing experience possible for our students!”

“​Let’s give it up for our FIRST Tech Robotics Team #7021 RoboEagles!! We are true leaders of the 21st Century!” Ms. Ferrette-Clark added.