R. B. Stall High Students Empowered with Paid Summer Internships at REV Federal Credit Union

R. B. Stall High Students Empowered with Paid Summer Internships at REV Federal Credit Union

R.B. Stall High School is thankful to have a long standing relationship with REV Federal Credit Union, including an “in-school” branch on campus!

Student gain valuable work-readiness skills while learning about finance and banking, and R. B. Stall students and faculty can utilize the banking services offered, including making new deposits, withdrawals, and opening new accounts!

This summer, REV hired student interns from R. B. Stall. The summer interns trained in 2 different local REV branches, and even got to spend time at REV headquarters offices in Summerville.

The following account of the summer interns’ experience was provided by Ms. Sheila Wright, Student Branch Coordinator for REV Federal Credit Union.

On June 6, the students began their experience with an orientation session learning about the history of the Credit Union followed by a tour of the headquarters offices. Students got to spend time with the credit union’s senior managers as well as hear from speakers from numerous departments of the organization.

Food trucks provided lunches for the students during their orientation, which was a special treat! During the balance of their first week as interns, they had the opportunity to learn about REV’s core products and the systems for best assisting the credit unions’ members. Student interns also learned how to complete various customer transactions and how to clock in and out via the time clock. Students learned about important banking regulations such as REG D, REG CC, and more.

The following week, student interns reported to their assigned REV branch locations. For the first few days, they were observing and preparing, but in no time they were able to take the reins and begin assisting customers with transactions, with REV employees monitoring. Overall, the R. B. Stall summer interns worked from June 6 through August 15, supporting both the Dorchester Road REV branch and the Rivers Avenue REV branch.

Interns learned the importance of proper attire, speaking in a professional setting, and working in an authentic, real world environment. The students were empowered with evaluable soft skills, including proper telephone etiquette. They also completed deposits, withdrawals, cash advances, transfers, and cashed checks for credit union members during their time working in the branches.

One student was at Dorchester and one at Rivers that spoke Spanish. Having students who were bilingual was such an asset to our branches. In some of our branches we were completing transfers and may not have had a Spanish speaker in the branches at the time. We were very happy to have them help us give great member service.

R. B. Stall student interns worked a combined total of over 972 hours during this paid work-based learning opportunity.

“All of the students were such a joy to have and we at REV are very happy to assist in helping the students learn lifelong skills and work ethics. Thank you for your partnership.”, said Ms. Wright.

R. B. Stall High School’s student interns included Jennifer Mejia Lopez, Jayden T. Green, Te’Nyah Grant, Daysha Burnett, Jalyne Manigault and Erick Hidalgo. Special thank you to Mrs. Lynette Alston, Student Interns’ Advisor and R. B. Stall CTE Department Chair.