St. Johns High School Students Participate in "Reality of Money" Financial Literacy Day Thanks to Heritage Trust Federal Credit Union

St. Johns High School Students Participate in “Reality of Money” Financial Literacy Day Thanks to Heritage Trust Federal Credit Union

HTFCUStudents at St. Johns High School participated in the Reality of Money simulation sponsored by Heritage Trust Federal Credit Union this week.

This activity is an interactive educational program designed to show high school students how their financial choices can impact their budget and lifestyle.

Students received a character profile that outlined their income, credit score, marital status and dependents.

They proceeded to visit 13 activity stations where they chose a residence, their mode of transportation, insurance and much more. The students were also challenged with finding appropriate budgets for food, clothing, childcare and entertainment based on their needs and income.

Each station monitored by Station Managers to work with students to identify the best options for their individual situation and provide suggestions and guidance for areas of need or improvement. Once complete, students form discussion groups to share their experience and results with fellow students, faculty and volunteers.

St. Johns High School students thoroughly enjoyed participating in this program and an overall majority of participating students believed it to be beneficial to understanding how to approach their future financial choices.

Thank you to the Career Technology and Education Department and School Counseling Department at St. Johns High School for providing this opportunity!

Huge thanks to Heritage Trust Federal Credit Union and all the volunteers that invested their time and talent to make this event possible!

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