St. Johns HS Seniors Empowered with Financial Literacy & Life Skills Workshops

St. Johns HS Seniors Empowered with Financial Literacy & Life Skills Workshops

Thanks to a partnerships with Next Steps of South Carolina and Wells Fargo, seniors from St. Johns High School participated in a week of workshops to help prepare students for their upcoming adventures into the world of college and career. IMG_0995

Professionals from Wells Fargo led financial literacy sessions focused on budgeting, investing, the dangers of credit and debt, FAFSA, importance of saving and properly using checking accounts.

Volunteers from Next Steps of SC covered resume writing, interviewing skills, life skills, community assistance resources and important documents needed for “adulting” (birth certificate, social security cards, etc.).

IMG_0993“The students were thankful to have the opportunity to learn about and discuss these valuable real world skills with the community volunteers”, said Niki Smith, the Career Specialists at St. Johns HS.

Thank you to everyone that invested the time in this initiative for St. Johns High School students!  IMG_0997