Junior Achievement Volunteers Visit Wando HS and North Charleston HS for National Entrepreneurship Month Programs

Junior Achievement Volunteers Visit Wando HS and North Charleston HS for National Entrepreneurship Month Programs

Two local entrepreneurs visited Wando High School and North Charleston High School classrooms recently to deliver Junior Achievement lessons.

At Wando HS, entrepreneurship instructor Mr. David Fralix welcomed Mr. Earl Bridges of Good Done Great and 4Good.org to his classroom.


And, at North Charleston HS, entrepreneurship instructor Ms. Carolyn Southall welcomed Ms. Julie Moreland, CEO at Vizbii International to her classroom.


“We can’t thank these two JA volunteers enough for the wonderful support, enthusiasm, and encouragement they brought to our Lowcountry Classrooms in November for National Entrepreneur Month.” said Mrs. Jeni Rone Becker, Junior Achievement’s Lowcountry Area Director.

Thanks to all that made this structure guest speaking visit possible for two CCSD CTE classrooms!

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