Wando Advanced Robotics Team Ready for FIRST Robotics Challenge Competition

Wando Advanced Robotics Team Ready for FIRST Robotics Challenge Competition

IMG_6537Wando High School is proud to announce that Wando Advanced Robotics has completed this year’s robot, Atlas, for FRC’s 2019 competition, Destination: Deep Space.

The senior and junior veteran team members, with the help of corporate mentors from IBM, Crunchy Data, and Indexic, took the lead in designing and building Atlas while at the same time giving the freshmen and sophomores hands-on experience so that they’ll be ready for the challenges to come.

None of this would be possible without the generous financial support of Bosch, Boeing, SPAWAR, ABB, and the Society of Manufacturing Engineers. They make possible our students’ chance to compete in one of the most rigorous STEM competitions in the world.IMG_6572
