Baptist Hill Middle High School Students Explore Automotive Technology Career Pathways

Baptist Hill Middle High School Students Explore Automotive Technology Career Pathways

Mobile Automotive Service Solutions, MASS, visited Baptist Hill Middle High school for a career chat. 40 high school and middle school scholars learned more about how MASS provides dealer alternative services for their clients. The MASS team spoke to the groups about the career opportunities for their industry and how the owner saw a need in the marketplace and created a business to solve that problem. 

MASS is a Mobile Automotive Service Solutions is a sublet service for automotive/collision repair facilities, car dealerships, and fleet garages. They offer services in, but not limited to, ADAS Calibrations, Safety Systems Calibrations and Inspections, Automotive Programming, Diagnostics, Security & Key Programming/Cutting, and R1234YF Refrigerant Service.

Students were very enthusiastic about the technology used and how the business combines technology, geometry and automotive skills. A school counselor noted that the students really connected with the tech Miguel and his story of coming from the beautiful island of Puerto Rico to South Carolina.  They gravitated to how he combined his love of cars and working with his hands and made a great career for himself.

Thank you MASS for spending the day with Baptist Hill Middle High School scholars!