Baptist Hill MHS Students Complete Welding Internship with Stevens Towing Shipyard in Yonges Island

Baptist Hill MHS Students Complete Welding Internship with Stevens Towing Shipyard in Yonges Island

DSCN5626Students from Baptist Hill Middle High School in Hollywood recently completed their welding internships at Stevens Towing shipyard.  The interns studied pertinent vocabulary, math and measurement, safety compliance, and proper use of hand and power tools in addition to basic techniques in SMAW “Stick” and GMAW “MIG” welding.  Structured with a duality of classroom instruction and hands-on practice in the shipyard, the curriculum is based on the SC Standards for Welding Technology I and II.  

DSCN5644William Holmes, a graduate of Baptist Hill High School and retired supervisor at Stevens Towing instructs the interns in welding, using a grinder, and oxy-fuel cutting.  Additionally, guest speakers cover topics such as OSHA safety standards, fire fighting, 401Ks, and artistic welding.   

Opportunities for learning are everywhere in the shipyard.  Interns observe a myriad of activity DSCN5610such as a barge being blasted and repaired, a tugboat being drydocked, or a hatch cover being fabricated.  The outdoor classroom is located in the center of the shipyard surrounded by all of the activity. It is an exciting place to learn and ameliorate their job skills.

st-logosVery special thanks to Stevens Towing Shipyard for hosting another cohort of students for this amazing work-based learning opportunity this school year!

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