CCSD Summer Interns Assist with EdTech GoogleFest at R. B. Stall HS
Six current CCSD summer interns and one former intern were invited by the CCSD EdTech department to assist with “GoogleFest”, a two-day high-intensity event staged at R. B. Stall HS to promote student learning in K-12 and higher education through Google Apps for Education (and other Google tools).
Over 175 CCSD educators and over 200 others from other districts throughout the country participated in the amazing professional development opportunity.
Makayla Cummings from West Ashley HS, and Jonashia Varns and Areial Horlback, both from Garrett Academy assisted with a “Silly Photo Booth” at the event.
Former CCSD summer intern Stephen Maddy from West Ashley HS led the student tech support team – Bryce Washington from St. Johns HS, Mostafa Mongy from West Ashley HS, and Derek Hastings from Wando HS were available to troubleshoot hardware issues and ensure all conference participants found their sessions.
Stephen Maddy also participated in the “Demo Slam”, a 3 minute speech on best practices for event attendees – he spoke to 300+ educators on the student run IT HelpDesk at his school and how it helped him land an apprenticeship with the City of Charleston IT Department including dual credit classes at Trident Tech!
Stephen in action >
In addition to the event support, summer intern Ebony Washington from West Ashley HS was assigned by her supervisor in the CCSD Communications department to write a story on the professional development event.
Here some photos of Ebony in action as she interviews CCSD EdTech director Lainie Berry , C. E. Williams MS Principal Kevin Smith, and others attending the professional development event. Ebony’s story is coming soon!
The CTE Success Stories camera also captured a few CCSD educators participating in the event:
Thanks to Edward Dougherty with CCSD Ed Tech for the opportunity to include CCSD Summer Interns in this event!