Charleston Elks Lodge Hosts Students for Job Shadowing Day with Local Municipalities

Charleston Elks Lodge Hosts Students for Job Shadowing Day with Local Municipalities

May 14, 2015 – Charleston, SCElks Lodge 242 hosted over 35 students from area high schools for a day of job shadowing experiences with local municipalities.

Students from Burke HS, Lincoln HS, Military Magnet Academy, Charleston Charter School for Math & Science, R. B. Stall HS, and West Ashley HS arrived at the Elks Lodge in West Ashley and were treated to juice and muffins by Elks volunteers.


Each student was given their assigned destination and Elks members ensured they got to the locations – The Town of Mt. Pleasant, City of Charleston, City of North Charleston, and City of Hanahan provided opportunities for students to shadow various municipal professionals for the morning. Each students career interests were matched with their assignment.


After spending the morning with the assigned job shadowing hosts, everyone gathered in the Elks main hall for a special luncheon.

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Micheala Bennekin, a senior at Burke High School got to shadow in the Mt. Pleasant mayor’s office, and received a proclamation from Mayor Linda Page appointing her Honorary Mayor for the Day!


Charleston Mayor Joseph P. Riley, Jr. was the keynote speaker, and several Elks Members spoke also. Students were also invited to the podium to share about what they’d learned during the experience.

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Special thanks to Jennie Sirisky and Tim Bussey  for their excellent  planning for the day, and all the other Elks members that made this amazing career exploration opportunity a reality for participating students.

???????????????????????????????More pictures from the day here: