Military Magnet Academy Computer Science Students Visit College of Charleston Computer Science Classrooms

Military Magnet Academy Computer Science Students Visit College of Charleston Computer Science Classrooms

Today, students from Military Magnet Academy’s Computer Science program had the opportunity to visit The College of Charleston’s Computer Science Department. Upon arrival, students were greeted by Sebastian Van Delden, Department Chair and Professor of computer science, Admissions and Financial Aid coordinators, and current student volunteers. IMG_0232
The Department of Computer Science at the College of Charleston is well positioned to supply the ever growing talent needs of Charleston growing information technology sector. Charleston is consistently named as one of the fastest growing cities for software and internet technology in the United States, and has earned the nickname “Silicon Harbor.” IMG_0267
Students learned about the different undergraduate programs such as:
  • Computer Science – Bachelor of Science
  • Computer Science – Bachelor of Arts
  • Computer Information Systems – Bachelor of Science
  • Computing in the Arts – Bachelor of Science
  • Data Science – Bachelor of Science

Professor Van Delden gave the students a tour of the facility and explained the specifics of the mechanical arm for mechatronics, 3D Printer, and drilling tool. The students also had fun while learning by enjoying the VR (virtual reality) room, and gaming equipment. The field trip was extremely informative. Students were advised that a degree in computer science is highly valued by industry, governments, entrepreneurs, and graduate schools. With a computer science degree, jobs are plentiful and starting salaries range between $50K and $60K in the Southeast region.

Thanks to their Computer Science Program Instructor Ms. Carla Ferrette-Clark, the team at College of Charleston, and everyone that made this awesome work-based learning experience possible for these Charleston County School District students!