Military Magnet Academy Students Enjoy Visit from Boeing Professional Followed by Boeing DreamLearners Field-trip

Military Magnet Academy Students Enjoy Visit from Boeing Professional Followed by Boeing DreamLearners Field-trip

Students at Military Magnet Academy recently enjoyed a special visit to their school by a member of the local Boeing South Carolina team, followed by a field-trip to participate in the DreamLearners program at the Boeing facilities in North Charleston.
On Friday, August 18, 2017, Mr. Gregory Elia, who serves as a Supplier Management specialist with Boeing SC and has a background in engineering, programming, and robotics, shared his story with over 50 Military Magnet Academy students with interest in pursuing careers in STEM related occupations.
Boeing MMA Visit
One of Mr. Elia’s favorite quotes is, “Another day in which to excel.” He shared that remembering this quote encouraged him throughout his college years. The students learned about the Boeing 707, the first passenger jet manufactured by Boeing, and the progression of Boeing jets that has led to the 787 Dreamliner manufactured here in North Charleston, SC. Mr. Elia also spoke with the students about the upcoming Solar Eclipse and the importance of being safe while watching it.
This visit by a professional from Boeing SC was in preparation for the students’ upcoming visit to the Boeing manufacturing facility. The MMA students were excited and ready to see STEM in action after Mr. Elia’s visit.

On Thursday August 23, 2017, Military Magnet Academy students enjoyed a Structure Field Study to Boeing’s campus in North Charleston, SC. The field trip was very successful and the students were extremely engaged and respectful.
Students participated in a paper airplane design & construction project. 30 students were divided into 5 teams of 6. Each team consisted of a finance officer, engineer, mechanic, materials manager, and a test pilot. After the teams had a chance to test and modify their planes, the groups gathered to see which plane would fly the farthest.
 MMA Boeing 1
Team 1 was the team that had the longest paper airplane flight! Congratulations to Malik Fleming, Ya’Nassia Hoskins, Damonie Stokes, Uriel Benitez Antonio, and Robert Hudson, pictured with there teacher MMA Ms. Ferrette-Clark.