Students Complete First Half of Summer Internships with CCSD Departments

Students Complete First Half of Summer Internships with CCSD Departments

It is the mid-point for 28 students working with Charleston County School District departments this summer.

They’ve all settled in to their roles working alongside district professionals in positions aligned with their future career interests.

To earn the available work-based learning course credit, each student intern must work a minimum of 120 hours, turn in a supervisor review at the mid-point and end of the summer, and submit weekly journals about their experiences.

Taylor Kahn-Perry, a rising senior at Charleston School of the Arts, submitted the following for her first week’s journal:

I started my internship with the CCSD Office of Strategy and Communications this Tuesday, June 20 at 8 a.m. My supervisor, Ms. Lauren Gandy, whom I met at our Orientation, was out of the office this week. Because Ms. Gandy was the only person I knew in the office before my first day, it caught me off guard a little bit to have no familiar faces in the office. However, everyone was warm. Mr. Andy Pruitt met me in the front and gave me a great introduction to the office, reminding me that internships are what you make of them. Ms. Erica Taylor took time out of her very busy day to make sure I felt comfortable, and Ms. Maggie Dangerfield helped me get started on my first few assignments.

I am looking forward to seeing Ms. Gandy next week, though, because it seems she has a more structured set of assignments for me ready to go. While I have spent this week working diligently to complete all my assignments, I want to focus next week on pushing myself out of my comfort zone. I want to, like Mr. Pruitt said, get as much as I can out of this internship by asking for new assignments when I have down time from a variety of people in the office. Everyone here does something slightly differently, and there is much to learn from everyone so long as I put myself out there.

I am very excited to learn as much as possible this summer, Taylor

CCSD Student Interns

Taylor Kahn-Perry, left with fellow summer intern Latalia Brown, right.

Students from 8 different CCSD high schools are working in 17 various departments throughout the district.

Just before the Independence Day holiday, district staff including summer interns gathered for a summer picnic at the Bridge View Drive Operations Center. Student interns participated in the field day games and enjoyed the hamburgers, ice cream, and fellowship.

Check out these pictures and videos from the terrific day of team building:

Student interns were also invited to participate in a special round-table discussion to offer input on our schools to Charleston County Schools Superintendent Gerrita Postlewait. Check out these pictures and this article in the Post & Courier.  Thanks to the Strategy and Communications Department for these pictures from the Student Listening Session.

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