Venture Aerobearings Hosts Engineering Students from C E Williams Middle School for Work-based Learning Experience
Thank you to the Venture Aerobearings team for hosting 40+ 7th graders from Mr. John Shell’s pre-engineering program at C E Williams Middle School in West Ashley for a site visit to their lean & clean manufacturing facility.
This work-based learning experience was divided into two days to serve over 40 students –
One group visited on Nov. 2 and another visited on Nov. 3.
Opportunities provided by Venture Aerobearings associates during the students’ visit included:
- Learning about employment opportunities with the company
- Understanding how the manufacturing process works
- Exposing students to state of the art machines used to create
- Relating classroom experiences with real world job experiences by using CAD Design to create usable working 3-D models
- Competing with classmates in a team building exercise using STEM skills as well as 21st Century Skills to create a bridge model
Students got to meet with several industrial technicians and engineers to discuss the pathways to a career in manufacturing. They also got an extensive tour of the manufacturing floor.
“My students were completely engaged the entire time; we will reference this experience many many times in our classroom”, said Mr. Shell about the visit.