CTE Teachers & School Counselors Enjoy Day of Collaborative Professional Development

CTE Teachers & School Counselors Enjoy Day of Collaborative Professional Development

Thanks to everyone that help make our
CTE Teachers & School Counselors
Joint Professional Development Day a HUGE SUCCESS! 

Thank you to the awesome faculty at Lucy G. Beckham High School for hosting our district wide PD event!

Thank you to CCSD Superintendent Donald Kennedy for an inspiring opening message!

Thanks to our 2 wonderful Keynote speakers Brooks Harper and Ako Kambon!

Thanks to Bryan Derreberry, President & CEO of the Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce for sharing an update on the healthy economy and talent demands in the Trident region.

Thanks to Cathy Almquist and the panel of business professionals from throughout the region that shared about the Workforce Training programs available at Trident Technical College.

And thanks to Richard Gordon, CCSD Executive Director or Career and Technology Education and Fronde Stille, CCSD Director of School Counseling Services & Title IX Coordinator for the leadership in organizing this compelling day of professional development collaboration for CTE Educators & School Counselors!

Thanks to our amazing team of Career Specialists, and all the other professionals that supported this event! There were some truly excellent conversations at lunch and in our afternoon breakout sessions!